This list briefly discusses 5 books that yacht owners or enthusiasts should read. What makes each book unique? Why should they read the book? What will they learn or take away from it?
This is – at least what we consider – the best 5 books ever written in English on the subject of cruising catamarans. There are a few German and French publications but they are nearly impossible to get , most are out of print and unless you can read German or French – are of no value.
So here is the top 5 list of the “Must Read books for Catamaran Enthusiasts”
1.) CATAMARANS – THE COMPLETE GUIDE FOR CRUISING SAILORS, by Gregor Tarjan. First published in 2006 and reprinted in 2008 by Mc Graw Hill Companies, New York. ISBN 9780071498852. Hardcover, 305 pages full color, large format, illustrated and lavish photography by Gilles Martin Raget. Of course we have to mention this book first. Not only is it written by our own Gregor Tarjan, founder and owner of Aeroyacht Ltd., but it is hailed as “the industry reference” by many experts. It has sold many thousands of copies around the world and has been re-printed numerous times. Jim Brown calls it “an authoritative guide for novices and experienced sailors, the best book written on the subject since the early 1990’s”
2.) MULTIHULL SEAMANSHIP – Illustrated, by Dr. Gavin LeSueur. Illustrations by Nigel Allison. First published in Australia in 1995, Cyclone Publishers. ISBN 1875181032. Soft cover, spiral bound, large format, 108 pages, black and white. This book is for people contemplating multihull sailing. We feel it deserves second place on our list as it is the most practical book to use. It is fully illustrated and is a “how to guide” for novices as well as experienced sailors. It shows how to maneuver, dock, reef and operate a cruising multihull. It is written in simple, easy to understand text and each paragraph is accompanied by a helpful illustration (often humorous in nature.) This book is out of print but with some hunting one can find used copies.
3.) THE CRUISING MULTIHULL, by Chris White. First published by International Marine 1990 Waterline Press. ISBN 1853102873. Hard cover, medium format, 255 pages, black and white, photos and illustrations by author. This is a fantastic book and although written more than 23 years ago still contains valuable information. The author discusses subjects such as multihull design, seamanship and reviews popular (but now dated) cruising multihulls and catamarans. For many years – this book was the multihull bible.
4.) CATAMARAN RACINGFOR THE 90’S by Rick White & Mary Wells. Published by RAM Press Florida 1992. ISBN 1880871009. Soft cover, small format, 335 pages, black and white, illustrated by author. Contributions by Hobie Alter, Randy Smyth, Carlton Tucker, Larry Harteck, Bob Curry, Wayne Shafer, Roy Seaman, Dave Calvert. This book should be on every catamaran enthusiasts shelf. Although t is geared for the small boat sailor it discusses principles that apply to all multihulls. The author discusses subjects such as sail shape, optimum trim as well as the latest go-fast racing techniques. This book is a pool of thought of the world’s greatest catamaran sailors and much can be learned from them.
5.) CRUISING IN CATAMARANS, by Charles E. Kanter. Published by Sailco Press, Key Largo, Florida 2002. ISBN 0961840668. Soft cover, large format, 389 pages, black and white, photographs and illustrations. Although this book is somewhat dated it contains great information. The publication is focused on cruising and the characteristics of cruising boats, no matter how many hulls they have. It’s fundamental premise is that the highest and best usage of catamaran technology is for voyaging and living abroad. The author divides and classifies vessels into 5 distinct categories reflecting the various compromises the designers had to make to achieve their intent.