Aeroyacht Multihull Specialists Catamarans for Sale
Aeroyacht Multihull Specialists Catamarans for Sale
Buy a catamaran at savings - Aeroyacht Multihull Specialists

US$ Boat Buying Power

Many buyers are taking advantage of the strong Dollar vs. the Euro thanks to the unfortunate geopolitical situation in the Ukraine. The average Euro closing price is at 1.09 compared to last years high of 1.22. This means that a European built Nautitech catamaran,   NEEL...
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Caribbean Multihull Challenge -Aeroyacht

Caribbean Multihull Challenge 2022

The 4th Edition for this multihulls-only event out of Saint Martin: the Caribbean Multihull Challenge can pride itself on having managed to keep going through the health crisis, with the regatta able to be held in 2020, in 2021 and of course this year. Find out more about the...
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Nautitech 44 catamaran walkaround review video

NAUTITECH 44 catamaran walkaround – VIDEO

Watch this informative video of the first walkaround of the brand new Nautitech 44 Open catamaran. Let Gregor Tarjan take you through the boat and discuss some critical aspects of the new multihull’s design and features. Watch the Video of the Nautitech 44 catamaran here.
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NEEL 43 Trimaran Walkthrough by Gregor Tarjan

VIDEO NEEL 43 Trimaran – First Walkthrough and Review

It has now been several months that the very first NEEL 43 Trimaran has been launched. We had the opportunity to see one of our NEEL’s heading to a US Aeroyacht customer. Watch the VIDEO walkthrough and critical comments by Gregor Tarjan
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Use It Again Trimaran - Aeroyacht

USE IT AGAIN Trimaran – out to beat world record.

USE IT AGAIN trimaran commenced her voyage from Lorient, France on January 4, setting sail in an attempt to help promote and develop the circular economy. The skippers are sailing aboard Ellen McArthur’s legendary 18 year old B&Q Castomara, which saw her become the...
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Hybrid Powered LEEN 56 Trimaran Video

LEEN 56 Trimaran – Seatrials VIDEO

 Watch this short video of the hybrid powered LEEN 56 trimaran. During our recent trip to La Rochelle, France we attended the seatrials of LEEN 56 – hull Nr. 1. Aeroyacht helped re-commission this capable trawler yacht as she will be heading to the Northern Territories of...
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NEEL charter trimaran - Aeroyacht

NEEL Charter – Aeroyacht’s Try before you Buy Program

Plan your next vacation in the sun and try out a multihull! If you have been curious about trimarans but have never had a chance to sail on one – why dont you charter one? NEEL Trimaran Charters offers the award winning NEEL 43, NEEL 47 and NEEL 51 trimarans in both...
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McConaghy 53 multihull for sale

McConaghy 53 available NOW

Big opportunity for performance orientated sailors to get into a brand new McConaghy 53 catamaran. This boat is completed and is presently at McConaghy’s Hong Kong yard, ready to be shipped to any point in the world.  The selection of sails and rig can still be made –...
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NEW Nautitech 44 catamaran launch photo - Aeroyac

Nautitech 44 catamaran launched

The all new, long awaited Nautitech 44 catamaran has been launched! Amidst a handful of invited press and the Nautitech Team, this new multihull was christened and is poised to become a top seller. Best in class cockpit space and performance, the Nautitech 44 will have a unique...
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