Aeroyacht Multihull Specialists Catamarans for Sale
Aeroyacht Multihull Specialists Catamarans for Sale

DREAM BOOK: “CATAMARANS, Tomorrow’s Superyachts”

by Gregor Tarjan with photographs by renown marine photographer Billy Black With a focus on luxury catamarans 65’ or larger, this lavishly illustrated book incorporates interviews with naval architects, interior designers, experienced multihull skippers and seasoned ocean racers...
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South Africa the Other Land of Multihulls

The Cape of Good Hope is a sailing icon, which needs to be experienced at least once in life. I knew that down the road, I would sail around it. When the phone rang and  Bruce Tedder, from the Cape Town Boat Building Initiative, invited me and Flo to Cape Town, I realized that I...
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European Tour

Featuring visits to the Paris Boat Show, Atelier Outremer on the French Riviera, “Club Med” the giant cat in Monte Carlo and the Amsterdam Scheepvaartsmuseum. Port de Versailles on the southern limits of Paris is the venue of the annual Salon Nautique, also known as the Paris...
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Wind Art

Wind driven machines – don’t we all only think of catamarans (ok, sometimes even monos).  But Dutch artist Theo Jansen is way out to lunch.  Not only are his kinetic sculptures beautiful wind-creatures that can walk across sand dunes but they also represent a single...
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Multihull Seaworthiness

The question of Seaworthiness: Design and Construction. A brief analysis of the most important considerations when purchasing a cruising multihull. Safety and seaworthiness, as Czeslav A. Marchais describes it in his great book “ Seaworthiness – the Forgotten Factor” should...
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Multihull Seamanship – Part II

Heavy weather and survival conditions First, let us make the distinction between heavy weather sailing and survival sailing. Heavy weather sailing is done in full control of your circumstances and ability to manage your vessel. Survival is when you pass that point and must take...
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Multihull Seamanship – Part I

What is sailing and sail trim like on a cruising cat or tri? To a large extent that depends on your level of sailing expertise, on the boat you sail, and your perspective. Since the basic sailing concepts apply to all types of sailing craft including multihulls, you’ll find...
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Farewell Archimedes

Sailing Hydraplaneur with Yves Parlier. Hydraplaneur flying a hull Photo: TwinWhen a phone call from Ocea , Yves Parlier’s parent organization invited me to test this radical catamaran I found myself a week later in the company of a very special group of people – true pioneers of...
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Multihull Keels and Daggerboards

Uncovering the compromises of both underwater appendages and analyzing their disadvantages and merits. Man has learned much from nature, and sailboats and their underwater appendages are one of the areas that we have applied what works and what doesn’t. As we all know, boats – as...
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