Aeroyacht Multihull Specialists Catamarans for Sale
Aeroyacht Multihull Specialists Catamarans for Sale
Nautitech catamaran spare parts

Nautitech Spareparts – Order Simple and Quick

Nautitech Catamarans has just partnered with a new spare parts provider – ShopandSail.  If you own a Nautitech catamaran, whether you sail the 40, 44, 46 or 48 it is as easy as one click shopping. ShopandSail ship world wide. Soon the website will be in English as well....
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NAUTITECH 44 Open cruising catamaran

For Immediate Delivery – Nautitech 44 Owner Version

Here is an opportunity not to be missed. We are pleased to offer a discounted, brand new 2024 Nautitech 44 Open catamaran for immediate delivery and located in La Rochelle, France. This top of the line performance multihull is fully loaded including airconditioning, generator,...
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Yannick Bestaven NEEL 47 Trimaran

Yannick Bestaven’s NEEL 47 Trimaran

Yannick Bestaven, winner of the 2020’s edition of the toughest ocean race in the world, the Vendee Globe, has purchased a NEEL 47 trimaran. A man of his knowledge particularly chose this magnificent multihull to share performance sailing with family, friends and guests. The NEEL...
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2001 Conser 47 (50') catamaran for Sale (1)

Conser 47/50′ FOR SALE

Well maintained 2001 Conser 47 for sale. Reasonably priced at 195,000 US$. Located in Deltaville, VA, USA. Experienced owner owned RUNAWAY since 2002 and has since then made some major improvements and modifications, including a professionally built extension (50′) to the yacht’s...
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PlanetSail tests a McConaghy catamaran

Planet Sail tests a McConaghy Multihull

For 56 years McConaghy Boats have built some of the most extreme racing machines. With such a long history in composite construction and a self-proclaimed addiction to building high performance machines, McConaghy invited the internationally-acclaimed reporter, Matthew Sheahan,...
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Maxi Edmond de Rothschild Trimaran

Charles Caudrelier wins Arkea Ultim Challenge

Charles Caudrelier has just won the first edition of the Arkéa Ultim Challenge. Arriving on Tuesday, February 27, 2024 at 8 h 37 min and 42 s, he completed his first solo circumnavigation in 50 days, 19 hours, 7 minutes and 42 seconds. A great birthday present for the sailor, who...
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Nautitech 48 Open sailing catamaran

Nautitech 48 – Control of the Wind

Go behind the scenes of the manufacturer of Incidence Sails, trusted partners of Nautitech Catamarans. In this captivating video, we take you to meet Samy Villeneuve, sales representative at Incidence Sails, who guides us through every step of the sail manufacturing process for...
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Nautitech 48 Open Interior Photo

Boat Test: Nautitech 48 Open catamaran

Read the interesting Boat Test of the new Nautitech 48 Open catamaran. This new flagship of the French yard has surprised our test crew with perfect sailing sensations and a premium finish. Boat Test: Nautitech 48 Open catamaran. As published in Multihull World Magazine, April...
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NEEL 52 Trimaran VIDEO – Sailing at 17 knots

Watch this exciting drone video showing all angles of the new NEEL 52 Trimaran. You can witness her sailing at windspeed and exceeding 17 knots. Wait until the last minute of the video where you can see her amazing bow wave and big surf. Thanks to her advanced hull shape –...
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