Aeroyacht Multihull Specialists Catamarans for Sale
Aeroyacht Multihull Specialists Catamarans for Sale
NEMESIS ONE - Aeroyacht Multihull Specialists


Could NEMESIS ONE be the vision of the future or is it an utopian dream? Designed by the well known multihull designers, VPLP of France, NEMESIS is not a timid approach to performance sailing in luxury. She is over 332′ long, sports automated hydrofoils, advanced wings...
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McConaghy 77 Multihull by Aeroyacht Multihull Specialists

McConaghy 77 – Fast Luxury

Few sailors don’t know who McConaghy Boats are, builders of some of the most illustrious yachts on the planet. Their new line of McConaghy Multihulls (50-110’) stuns in many respects. They contain unique features, such as centerboards, which safely retract on impact, the...
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Gitana 17 Jules Vernes Sailing Record

GITANA – Ultime Trimaran on Jules Verne Trophy Standby

Few of us knew that GITANA was the name of the Rothschild’s first family yacht. Julie de Rotschield was an avid yachtswoman and sailor and even held several speed world records in the 1890’s. Fast forward more than 130 years and GITANA – the giant Ultime Class...
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SP80 - Multihull World Speed Record

SP80 Multihull to go after World Speed Record

A Swiss team aims to break world sailing speed record in a revolutionary multihull. They call themselves SP80 and they have just unveiled their first trimaran prototype. The team of young engineers and students plans for the sailing boat to reach 93 mph (150 km/h). They have been...
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NEW NEEL 43 Trimaran - Aeroyacht Multihull Specialists

VIDEO: NEEL Trimaran Quality

Watch this informative video of how NEEL Trimarans monitors the build process of their trimarans. The quality control is one of the most critical aspects in the finished product. Learn how NEEL Trimarans manages this key element in the build process. NEEL Trimarans just...
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Sir Robin Knox-Johnson Documentary

Sir Robin Knox-Johnson Documentary

“To me, Sir Robin Knox-Johnston is an iconic figure and one of the greatest sailors to have ever set foot in a boat,” said Sir Ben Ainslie. We at Aeroyacht must agree wholeheartedly. This is a feature-length sailing documentary that should not be missed. Its a film chronicling...
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PlanetSail Aeroyacht Multihull Specialists

Planet SAIL – New Sailing Channel

If you feel like us, meaning “total sailing addiction” (whether mono or multihulls) – check out our friend Matthew’s new sailing channel. You will find plenty of interesting multihull content, especially of the big racing tris. PlanetSail is a  sailing...
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McConaghy MC60 catamaran

McConaghy Yacht Launch

This must be “shipping month”! What appears like a heavily cloaked apparatus is actually a really cool sailing machine that has been built for an Aeroyacht customer. You know she will be special just looking at the pointy end …which is the giant carbon longeron....
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NEEL 47 trimaran by Aeroyacht Dealer USA

DUNE BUGGY on her Way

Another happy owner is eagerly awaiting his NEEL 47 trimaran purchased through our Aeroyacht office. DUNE BUGGY was lifted this morning onto a transport ship and will speedily make her way across the North Atlantic, right into the arms of her eagerly waiting owner. We at...
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