Aeroyacht Multihull Specialists Catamarans for Sale
Aeroyacht Multihull Specialists Catamarans for Sale
Nautitech Aeroyacht Live Video Tours

Nautitech Exclusive Days- March 6th

Do you want to tour a Nautitech catamaran but cannot travel? What?: Visit a Nautitech catamaran without having to fly to France. When?: On Saturday March 6th, Aeroyacht in partnership with Nautitech is offering the “Exclusive Days” of Live Video Tours of the Nautitech...
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McConaghy Multihulls Aeroyacht US Dealers

Grant Dalton to build a McConaghy semi foiling multihull

Grant Dalton, New Zealand round the world yachtsman and CEO of America’s Cup Defender Emirates Team New Zealand, has a new 63-foot power catamaran in build at McConaghy Boats in Zhuhai, China. This carbon Power Cat will have fixed foils and will be a particularly...
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Nautitech 46 Video

Nautitech 46 Open – The Next-Gen Catamaran

Watch the short video highlighting the improved features of the new generation Nautitech 46 Open catamaran.
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Nautitech 40 catamaran

Video – the NEW Nautitech 40 Open

watch the video of the new Nautitech 40 Open
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New NEEL 43 Trimaran

NEEL 43 trimaran – First Spy Shots

Again, you have seen it here first! What you see in the photo is the very first spy photo of the new NEEL 43 trimaran. This long anticipated trimaran has sold-out its first year of production within 6 weeks of her introduction! More than 34 orders have been placed without even...
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Dragonfly 1200 for sale in Bridgeport CT

Opportunity. Dragonfly 1200 trimaran for sale

Unique opportunity to own a fast, affordable and comfortable Dragonfly 1200 trimaran. DOUBLE HORIZON is a 2001 Dragonfly 1200 Ocean Cruiser and is offered at 259,000$ in Bridgeport, CT. . Her price has just been reduced. This Dragonfly 1200 trimaran must be seen to be...
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Dogs & Multihulls during the Covd Pandemic

Boats & Dogs. What Do they have in Common?

Boats and dogs. People seem to buy more of them during our global pandemic. Aeroyacht has seen little slowdown in business and we hear from other trusted sources that sailors are buying boats like never before. In our troubled times the slogan “Carpe Diem” has never...
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Finn McConaghy 50 Trimaran

Beautiful Curves made for the Ocean – The McConaghy 50 “FINN” Trimaran

A while back – in the pre-Covid days – I was lucky enough to be invited to sail on FINN, the stunning, custom McConaghy 50 trimaran. The original owner of this yacht, Clint Clemens showed me around the boat and pointed out the smallest details. Clint is very...
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NEEL 47 trimaran Yacht Charters

Introducing – NEEL Trimaran Yacht Charters

The Team at NEEL Trimarans has just introduced another easy way of acquiring the multihull of your dreams. Trimaran Yacht Charters is a new sister company of NEEL Trimarans which charters and manages NEEL trimarans as well as offers attractive financing solutions. There are...
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