Aeroyacht Multihull Specialists Catamarans for Sale
Aeroyacht Multihull Specialists Catamarans for Sale

VIZIBLE 105 – a mod cat we like

Normally we dont publish concepts or images of catamarans that have not yet been built – but there are always exceptions. We like what a young multihull designer has done with the Vizible 105. She is a 34′ cruising catamaran, which can be built in modules. Studying...
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Nautitech Catamarans Exclusive Days June 4-5

Nautitech Exclusive Days – June 4-5th, 2021

With travel restrictions easing in the US and Europe – plan a trip to La Rochelle, France where Nautitech invites serious customers to sea-trial and visit the ship yard. The dates are June 4-5, 2021 and multihulls on display will be the Nautitech 40 Open as well as the...
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NEEL 43 Trimaran Video - by Aeroyacht

NEEL 43 sailing – Watch the Video

It has finally happened and the long awaited NEEL 43 trimaran has been launched. Aeroyacht was at the yard in La Rochelle to witness the completion of hull Nr. 3 and we cannot wait to sail on the NEEL 43 with the optional carbon rig and high performance sails.  
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Manta - Sea Cleaner Sailing catamaran - Aeroyacht Multihull Specialists

It Eats Garbage for Breakfast – 185′ MANTA

Meet Manta, a giant, plastic-devouring catamaran powered by renewable energy. The 185-foot hybrid sailboat will be the world’s first sea-cleaning vessel capable of collecting plastic waste on an industrial scale. Operating autonomously 75 percent of the time, it’s also a...
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Leen 56 Trimaran Motor Yacht Multihull (2)

LEEN 56 Power Trimaran Trawler Yacht – Guided Video Tour

Watch this interesting video tour. Our friend and CEO of LEEN Trimarans, Eric Bruneel takes us through the innovative LEEN 56 power trimaran and explains his favorite features. Watch LEEN 56 power trawler trimaran guided tour Video Contact Aeroyacht for pricing and specifications...
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Aeroyacht Catamaran Video Masterclass

Catamaran Masterclass Series – on YouTube

In this free 22 part Youtube video series, Gregor Tarjan, CEO and founder of Aeroyacht talks about all important multihull considerations. Learn about the advantages and drawbacks of particular steering stations, find out about how the vast majority of catamarans are built and...
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NEEL Trimarans - Aeroyacht Multihull Specialists

NEEL Trimarans – What Makes them Special?

Founded by a a legendary multihull sailor and built in the sailing capital of France, Neel Trimarans have several advantages over their twin hulled competitors for safety performance and livability…. plus a basement! Gregor Tarjan founder and CEO of Aeroyacht-Multihull...
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Marion to Bermuda Race 2021 Aeroyacht Multihull Specialists

Race in the Marion to Bermuda Race

Race your multihull in 2021 in the Marion to Bermuda Race! We have some exciting news for all of us who crave to get out of lockdown and play with our multihulls. It will be the first time in more than a decade that multihulls have been invited to race in the Marion to Bermuda...
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LEEN 56 triaran launch event Aeroyacht Multihull Specialists

LEEN 56 Trimaran – World Digital Launch Event – April 10th

Similar to our Nautitech Exclusive Days on March 6th, Aeroyacht in partnership with NEEL/LEEN Trimarans is happy to announce the “LEEN 56 trimaran– World Digital Launch Event” on Saturday April 10th. How does it work?: On Saturday April 10th we organise a 3-way...
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