Aeroyacht Multihull Specialists Catamarans for Sale
Aeroyacht Multihull Specialists Catamarans for Sale

NEEL 47 trimaran

NEEL-TRIMARANS is launching a limited edition of 10 NEEL 47, the NEEL 47 Pure Edition, whose standard equipment allows total autonomy and therefore absolute freedom! Connect to the natural elements: air, sea and sun, to ensure the smooth running of your boat. Long cruises,...
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2020 NEEL 51 Trimaran - Aeroyacht Multihull Specialists

NEEL 51 trimaran “LA ROMANCE” for sale

For all who want a turn-key, ready to sail yacht – LA ROMANCE might be the opportunity you have been waiting for. This magnificent 2020 NEEL 51 trimaran is new to the market and has all the cruising goodies you would want. Sensibly priced she is available in Corsica to...
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McConaghy 100 multihull by Aeroyacht Dealers

McConaghy 100′ supercat unveiled

McConaghy Boats have just unveiled their newest project. The McConaghy 100′ will break all molds and is a redefining concept in lifestyle and luxury sailing yacht- design. Her spacious bridge has an extended aft deck as well as a forward lounge – perfect for...
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Nautitech 44 Open catamaran by Aeroyacht Dealers

Nautitech 44 OPEN catamaran

We have been waiting for a very long time for this updated model. The NEW Nautitech 44 Open catamaran is the perfect size for a shorthanded crew, easy to sail yet large enough to accommodate a liveaboard family with friends. Special care has been made to provide the boat with a...
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SUPERYACHT MULTIHULLS Video by Aeroyacht Multihull Specialists

Multihull Superyachts – Episode 9 VIDEO

Watch the new video Episode 9: MULTIHULL SUPERYACHTS. Gregor Tarjan explains the history, lifestyle and many benefits of large motor and sail multihulls. He touches on subjects such as Aeroyacht’s in house designed Aeroyacht 110, the book “CATAMARANS, Tomorrows...
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McConaghy 75 catamaran by Aeroyacht

McConaghy 75 catamaran – now in build.

For immediate release: McConaghy and Aeroyacht are delighted to confirm that hull #1 of their MC75 model is now in build. Designed to offer contemporary on-water living with an apartment-like style, the McConaghy 75 catamaran is lightweight, eco-friendly and, as with all models...
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Neel Trimarans

NEEL Trimaran – What Makes them Special? Gregor Tarjan CEO & founder of Aeroyacht Multihull Specialists, uncovers the myths around why trimarans sail faster than any other craft. Learn about the many advantages, proven by facts and numbers – but also discover some...
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Lagoon that cannot sink

Unsinkable ?

One of our readers sent us this crazy photo. Did the guy run out of fiberglass or maybe change his mind to adapt to a more sedentary lifestyle? We dont know. The cat seems to be an older Lagoon 380 catamaran which seems to have been converted into a land habitat. The...
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Catamarans Complete Guide 2017 Revised Edition

Nr.1 CATAMARAN Reference book – Now distributed worldwide.

CATAMARANS, “The Complete Guide for Cruising Sailors” (new edition) is now available at the Book Depository which make this reference book available with free delivery, world wide. Aeroyacht is a multihull specialist company, providing first class service to its...
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