
09 Jul 2021

Nautitech 44 OPEN catamaran

Nautitech 44 OPEN catamaran

Nautitech 44 Open catamaran by Aeroyacht Dealers

We have been waiting for a very long time for this updated model. The NEW Nautitech 44 Open catamaran is the perfect size for a shorthanded crew, easy to sail yet large enough to accommodate a liveaboard family with friends.

Special care has been made to provide the boat with a flexible interior plan, which is exemplified in the Nautitech 44 Open’s open salon as well as the innovative “Smart-Room” – a large cabin that can be customized to owner’s specifications.

Of course the new Nautitech 44 Open catamaran has all the desirable features found in her sisters, the Nautitech 40 and Nautitech 46. She is fun to sail, thanks to her instant feedback-mechanical helms, has a large “open-concept” bridgedeck and an expansive owner suite. As typical for Nautitech the entire boat is built in a closed cell foam core and features an upgraded elegant interior.

Aeroyacht Multihull Specialists Catamarans for SaleAeroyacht offers low introductory, ex-factory pricing for the first 7 units. Contact us today.

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