
16 Mar 2020

Navigating Together Through the Virus Storm

Navigating Together Through the Virus Storm

Aeroyacht Multihull Specialists Catamarans for Sale

The coronavirus outbreak is like a sudden storm. It has led to significant upheaval of our day to day lives and levels of uncertainty that we haven’t seen in quite some time. We want to assure you that we’re here, connected, and ready to navigate this together.

At Aeroyacht, our purpose has always been about making a difference in the lives of our clients and providing a boutique service to you. It’s why we believe so deeply that personal relationships are essential in working together.

Please take care of yourself and your family. Help your neighbors and support your community – our communities. We remain committed to being available and know we’ll get through this storm together.

Fair Winds !

Gregor Tarjan
CEO/founder of Aeroyacht Corp.

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